Coastoil Dynamic has been processing natural gas since 2016 and once it started its operations it immediately assumed a principal role in the Mexican market. The aforementioned has been possible due to a multidisciplinary team and a shared vision of strategy implemented in Asia and Latin America.
We are a Mexico-based comprehensive global provider specializing in solutions for both onshore and offshore oil and natural gas industries within the upstream and midstream companies. We took great care in all our operations, value the health and safety of all involved parties and assets and treasure the environment which is the only very world we live in.
The “Papan” natural gas processing plant has a capacity to handle 300 MMSCFD, for the conditioning of sour wet gas in order to comply with NOM-001-SECRE-2010.
The innovative engineering of this project processes the Natural Gas of the Ixachi Field, one of the biggest production of gas fields in Mexico.
Its process is made up of four main systems: the amine sweetening and regeneration system, the cryogenic plant, the system for the production, storage and distribution of LP Gas and the system for stabilization, storage, and distribution of condensate Hydrocarbons.
A project that add value to production value chain of Petróleos Mexicanos.
After Coastoil Dynamic entered the national market for oil and gas, it achieved an important position in a short time. In particular, it took part in a pioneering project to increase the natural gas production in one of the most important fields for Mexico and the world: Ixachi field, the fourth-highest natural and condensate gas producing deposit.
“Perdiz” Project treats up to 180 MMPCD of sour gas through an amine sweetening process.